Posted in Conference, Doctors 2.0, E-Patient

Doctors 2.0 &You: Crowdfunding ePatient Travel Scholarships

Crowdfunding the participation of e-Patients at an international health 2.0 conference is an exciting initiative by Basil Strategies, the organizers of the International Doctors 2.0 & You Conference .

The conference which will take place in Paris, June 6-7, 2013, is the only European event dedicated to bringing physicians and patients together to engage with web 2.0 tools and social media. Patients play a central role at the conference as advisors in the parallel sessions and as members of judging panels judging posters and exciting start-ups.

We’re bringing all the healthcare stakeholders together to make things MOVE. That’s what Doctors 2.0 & You is all about.

It is the experience, passion and commitment of engaged patients that drive innovation in the changing paradigm of healthcare. You can be part of this by contributing to the fund.  In this season of Christmas, what a great gift to give someone – the chance to play an empowered role in their own health in 2013.

Donations start as small as $10 and increase in size to reflect your contribution to funding a patient to attend the conference. You will also gain visibility for your brand through your involvement.

You can read full details here.

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