Posted in Cool Tool

Monday Morning Cool Tool: Snipclip

This week’s cool tool recommendation is Snipclip – a versatile browser-based screen recorder.

With Snipclip you get a straightforward and feature-rich recording experience, free of any watermarks and barriers (like sign-up or installation). After the recording is complete, Snipclip saves the recording in the .webm format, which ensures seamless playback across any device and platform you choose to use.

Posted in Cool Tool

Monday Morning Cool Tool: TinEye

This week’s cool tool recommendation is TinEye – a reverse image search engine primarily used for copyright and plagiarism checks.

Reverse image search is a technique that allows you to find similar images on the web using an existing image as the starting point.

How to Use TinEye

  1. Upload an Image: Click the upload button to select the image from your computer or mobile device that you wish to search for.
  2. Search by URL: Copy and paste an image URL address into the search box.
  3. Drag and Drop: You can also simply drag and drop your images onto the TinEye webpage in your browser.
  4. After you submit your search image (through any method), TinEye will process the image and return any matching results in TinEye’s index. The total number of matches is shown at the top of the page alongside a thumbnail of the search image.
  5. Search Results: The search results are displayed below the search image. Each result includes a thumbnail of the matching image, the URL of the webpage where the image is found, and additional information such as the image resolution and file size.
  6. Sorting and Filtering: You can sort and filter the search results in various ways. For instance, you can sort by best match, most changed, biggest image, newest, and oldest. You can also filter results by domain or collection.
  7. Comparing Images: TinEye allows you to compare your search image with the result images. This can be useful to see how the images match up and to spot any differences.

Additional Features

The TinEye extensions allow you to search for any web image by simply right-clicking on images in a web browser making it convenient to perform reverse image searches directly from your browser.

The TinEye Compare feature lets you quickly switch back and forth between your search and result image. This highlights any differences between the two images. It’s especially useful to see how images have been cropped, resized, skewed, or manipulated.

Note: When you search with TinEye, your image is never saved or indexed. TinEye adds millions of new images from the web every day, but your images belong to you. Searching with TinEye is private, secure, and always improving.

How to use TinEye in Healthcare Marketing

  1. Identify the Original Source: Reverse image search can help you find the original source of an image. This can be useful if you want to credit the original creator or if you want to find the original context in which the image was used.
  2. Check for Misuse: If you are a content creator, you can use reverse image search to check if your images are being used without your permission. By uploading your image to a reverse image search engine, you can find all the places where your image appears online.
  3. Verify Authenticity: If you come across an image online and you suspect that it might be manipulated or taken out of context, you can use reverse image search to find earlier versions of the image. This can help you verify the authenticity of the image.
  4. Fact-Checking: Reverse image search can be a useful tool for fact-checking. For example, if you see an image in a news article, you can use reverse image search to check if the image has been used in other contexts.

    Posted in Cool Tool

    Monday Morning Cool Tool: Unpaywall

    This week’s cool tool recommendation is Unpaywall – an open database of 49,950,472 free scholarly articles.

    Access to research articles in academia can be costly, as many scholarly publications hide behind paywalls, limiting their availability to a select few. Unpaywall, however, is dedicated to breaking down barriers and increasing access to scholarly knowledge.

    Unpaywall locates open-access versions of research articles that would otherwise be locked away using data from multiple sources, including institutional repositories, preprint servers, and partnerships with publishers. By installing the Unpaywall browser extension or visiting the website, users can access an ever-expanding collection of scholarly articles.

    Note: It is important to note that Unpaywall serves as a guide to open access resources, ensuring their accuracy and legitimacy. It strives to make as many scholarly articles available as possible, but some restrictions may still exist

    Posted in Cool Tool

    Monday Morning Cool Tool: Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator

    The cool tool recommendation this week is Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator – a powerful keyword research tool.

    Keyword research is a critical component of any successful SEO strategy, as it helps us to identify the most relevant and valuable keywords to target in our content.

    One of the key benefits of the tool is that it provides users with a wide range of keyword suggestions, including long-tail keywords that are often overlooked by other tools. Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keyword phrases that are less competitive than shorter, more general keywords. By targeting long-tail keywords, you can often achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more targeted traffic to your website.

    Let’s see it in action.

    Enter your chosen keyword or phrase. You can choose to search across Google or Bing search engines or if you are making videos instead of written content, YouTube. You can also specify a country-specific search.

    Here’s a sample of keyword phrases and questions the tool returned.

    Note: Ahrefs is not a free tool, although they do offer a 7-day trial for $7. However, if you are serious about search engine optimisation, it’s considered to be one of the most comprehensive and powerful SEO tools on the market. It offers a variety of features, including keyword research, backlink analysis, content analysis, site audit, and more, making it a valuable tool if you’re looking to improve your online visibility and attract more targeted traffic to your website.

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    Posted in Cool Tool

    Monday Morning Cool Tool: Design Cap

    This week’s cool tool recommendation is Design Cap an easy-to-use online graphic design tool.

    At the heart of DesignCap lies its template library, covering a diverse range of design needs and themes, including charts, infographics, and more. Users can embellish their designs with built-in fonts, shapes, and backgrounds, and make use of the extensive library of stock photos and icons.

    Whether you’re sharing your design on social media, printing it for physical distribution, or incorporating it into a digital presentation, DesignCap allows you to export your creations in popular formats such as JPG, PNG, and PDF.

    Use DesignCap’s Learning Center for inspiration.

    Posted in #HCSM

    Mastering Healthcare Social Media Marketing in 2024

    As we dive into the second quarter of 2024, the landscape of social media marketing continues to evolve at a rapid pace. With new platforms emerging, algorithms shifting, and consumer behaviours adapting, staying ahead of digital marketing requires a dynamic approach. In this guide, we’ll explore the latest trends, strategies, and tools essential for excelling in social media marketing in 2024.

    1. Video-First Content

    Video content continues to dominate social media. Its popularity can be attributed to its unparalleled ability to captivate audiences, convey complex messages succinctly, and evoke emotions in a way that static content often falls short.

    Creating engaging videos involves a multi-faceted approach. Begin by understanding your target audience and tailoring your content to resonate with their interests, preferences, and behaviours. This might involve storytelling techniques that draw viewers into a narrative, or incorporating elements of humour, emotion, or surprise to establish a memorable connection.

    Tools to Use

     Adobe Premiere Rush: An all-in-one, cross-device video editing app by Adobe designed for simple editing and sharing.

     iMovie: Apple’s user-friendly video editing software for macOS and iOS, offering basic to intermediate editing capabilities.

    — Filmora: A versatile and easy-to-use video editing software with a range of creative features and effects.

    — InShot: A mobile app for quick and easy video editing, including features like trimming, cutting, and adding music.

     Movavi Video Editor: An easy-to-use video editing software with a variety of tools and effects for creative video production.

    — Camtasia: A screen recording and video editing software with features suitable for creating educational and tutorial content.

    2. Short-Form Video

    The popularity of short-form videos can be attributed to their ability to deliver information rapidly, entertain viewers in a matter of seconds, and create a sense of immediacy that resonates with today’s on-the-go audiences. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have propelled this trend to new heights, captivating audiences with bite-sized, visually appealing content.

    Consider using features like duets, stitches, or interactive elements offered by platforms like TikTok to enhance engagement. Encourage user participation by inviting them to respond to your videos, share their own interpretations, or participate in challenges. Short-form videos, when used strategically, can foster a sense of community around your brand, turning passive viewers into active participants.

    Further Reading: Revitalize Your Content Strategy: 9 Ways To Repurpose Short-Form Videos

    Tools to Try

    — TikTok: A leading short-form video platform with a user-friendly interface and a variety of creative tools, including effects, music, and duet features.

    — Instagram Reels: Instagram’s short-form video feature, integrated into the platform, offering tools for editing, adding music, and engaging with trends.

    — Triller: A video editing app with AI-driven features, making it easy to create professional-looking short-form videos.

    — Snapchat Spotlight: Snapchat’s feature for showcasing user-generated short-form videos, providing a platform for creative expression.

    — CapCut: A user-friendly video editing app with features for creating short-form videos, including adding music, effects, and transitions.

    — Dubsmash: A lip-sync and short-form video app that allows users to create fun and entertaining content with a vast library of sounds and music.

    Continue reading this article on Medium

    Posted in Cool Tool

    Monday Morning Cool Tool: Image Color Picker

    This week’s cool tool recommendation is Image Color Picker – an online tool that allows you to pick colors from an image or create color palettes.

    Have you ever wondered how to identify the perfect shade of a color from an image? This tool provides a simple and user-friendly interface where you can upload an image or specify an image URL. Once the image is loaded, you can click on any pixel within the image to extract the color information, including the hexadecimal (hex) code, RGB values, and HSL values.

    By using the color picker, you can accurately capture the colors used in an image and use them in your own projects. Additionally, the website often provides additional features like generating color palettes based on the image, allowing you to explore and save multiple colors at once.

    Posted in Cool Tool

    Monday Morning Cool Tool: CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

    Improve your headlines quickly and easily with this week’s cool tool recommendation – CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer. 

    The original Mad Man of advertising, David Ogilvy, famously stated, “On average, people read the headline five times more than the body copy.” When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” This reminder highlights the crucial importance of the headline.

    Headlines still matter in the digital age. A well-written headline can capture a reader’s attention and make them want to read more. In contrast, a poorly constructed headline can drive readers away. This is particularly true online, where attention spans are short and individuals are constantly inundated with information.

    Effective headlines take various factors into account that can affect their success. Tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer can help. The tool analyzes headlines based on several factors, including word choice, length, and emotional impact, providing users with a score that reflects how likely their headline is to be successful. Your headline is then broken down by word balance, sentiment, and commonality, helping you identify areas for improvement and adjust your language.

    Here’s the breakdown of a title I entered into the tool:

    The tool provides a detailed breakdown of the word balance, sentiment, and commonality of your headline, helping you identify areas for improvement and adjust your language to better resonate with your audience.

    The Headline Analyzer tool can also help with SEO optimization. The tool analyzes your headline for relevant keywords and provides suggestions for incorporating them more effectively into your headline. This can help increase the visibility of your content in search results and drive more organic traffic to your website.

    This is just a snapshot of the many insights you can gain from using CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer tool. You can use the insights and recommendations provided to create headlines that not only grab readers’ attention but also drive traffic, social shares, and SEO value. This can ultimately lead to more visibility for your content and greater success in achieving your marketing and business goals.

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    Posted in Cool Tool

    Monday Morning Cool Tool: Edit.Photo

    This week’s cool tool recommendation is a free image editor tool – Edit.Photo

    Edit.Photo is designed to be a simple, fast, and easy-to-use solution for all your image editing needs.

    Key Features

    Crop and Resize
    Tailor your images to perfection with the crop and resize features.

    Filter and Fine-Tune
    Elevate your images with a collection of filters and fine-tuning options. Experiment with different tones, contrasts, and effects to achieve the desired look for your photos.

    Redact and Annotate
    Use the redact feature to blur or block out sensitive information. Additionally, annotate your images with text or shapes for enhanced communication.

    Fill and Frame
    Whether you’re highlighting specific elements or creating unique designs, the fill feature is a versatile addition. Frame your photos elegantly with a variety of framing options to give your images that extra touch.

    Rotate and Flip
    Easily rotate or flip your images to find the perfect orientation for your project.

    Edit.Photo’s intuitive features and user-friendly interface make it an excellent tool for various image editing needs. Best of all, it won’t cost you a penny to unlock its full potential!