Posted in #HCSM, Patient Engagement, Storify

Engaging Patients Through HealthCare Social Media

social-media-healthcare.jpgHere are some interesting excerpts from a discussion on patient engagement and health care social media at the recent Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) meeting.

[View the story “#AAMCJtMtg: Patient Engagement and #HCSM” on Storify]

Posted in Conference, Storify

.Med Conference Dublin

Medicine, as we know it, is undergoing a radical transformation. New innovations in technologies such as computing, design, biosensors and social media will fundamentally revolutionise the way in which we learn and practice medicine.

Chaired by Dr. Ronan Kavanagh,the .Med Conference brought together some of the top thinkers and innovators in medicine to speak about how we can harness new technologies to improve the quality of medical care.

Grainne Lynch, Health Events, Brian McGowan, author and speaker, Marie Ennis O’Connor, Health 2 Dublin
Engaging patients with video technology – John Brownlee, Clear.MD
Professr Declan Lyons speaking on Deploying Mobiles Apps for Health & Wellbeing
Liam Ryan of GetHealth
Dr Ronan Kavanagh sharing his favourite medical blogs

Among the many compelling talks, Dr Peter Lovatt, (@dancedrdance) literally had the audience dancing during his fascinating talk on the psychology of dancing, and its effects on the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Dr Peter Lovatt, Dance Psychology Lab, Herts University
It was a highly energetic and informative meeting, and to catch a flavour of what it was all about, check out this storify.