Posted in E-Patient

Patients 2.0: Introducing The Empowered Patient

This is a copy of a talk I gave yesterday at the April meeting of Health 2.0 Dublin on the topic of the empowered patient.

About Health 2.0’s Dublin chapter

Health2Dublin, is one of 40+ chapters in cities around the globe, that facilitates and creates events that promote and demonstrate the innovation and promise that information technology is bringing to our health and the practice of medicine. By putting the leaders of the Irish healthcare innovation scene together in one place, we are creating the future of healthcare. Health2Dublin meets on the first Wednesday of every month and welcomes new members.

Learn more at:

Posted in #HCSM, E-Patient, Ehealth

The Wisdom of Patients: Health Care Meets Online Social Media

Social media on the Internet are empowering, engaging, and educating health care consumers and providers. While consumers use social media — including social networks, personal blogging, wikis, video sharing, and other formats — for emotional support, they also heavily rely on them to manage health conditions.

The Internet has evolved from the information-retrieval of “Web 1.0” to “Web 2.0,” which allows people who are not necessarily technologically savvy to generate and share content. The collective wisdom harnessed by social media can yield insights well beyond the knowledge of any single patient or physician, writes report author Jane Sarasohn-Kahn. The outcome of this development is “Health 2.0” — a new movement that challenges the notion that health care happens only between a single patient and doctor in an exam room.

Using examples, this report describes how the web is becoming a platform for convening people with shared concerns and creating health information that is more relevant to consumers. Social networks, ranging from Facebook to specific disease-oriented sites, are proliferating so rapidly that new services are already under development to help health consumers navigate through the networks.

The report details how innovative collaborations online are changing the way patients, providers, and researchers learn about therapeutic regimens and disease management. It examines the benefits and concerns regarding Health 2.0 and includes an extensive listing of health media resources. According to the report, the growing demand for transparency will drive the evolution of social media in health. A growing array of tools will become available that are increasingly mobile, as well as personal health data storage in commercial products like Microsoft Health Vault, Google Health, and others. The author concludes that the ongoing demands of a consumer-driven health marketplace will inspire innovation in applications that integrate clinical, financial, and ratings information.

See on

Posted in Health 2.0 Dublin

Health 2.0 Dublin: “mHealth – Bridging the Gap between Patient and Physician”

One of the 3D4Medical apps showcased at meeting
One of the 3D4Medical apps showcased at meeting

We had a great attendance, fascinating presentations and a stimulating panel discussion at this month’s Health2.0 Dublin meet -up  at the Mont Clare Hotel.

Our keynote speaker David Doherty, of 3GDoctor and mHealth Insights delivered a lively presentation on the topic of mHealth – Bridging the Gap between Patient and Physician  (Click here to see a slidedeck of David’s talk).

panel discussion
panel discussion

David joined  John Dinsmore (Trinity College Dublin – Health Innovation Lead), Niall O’Neill (Deloitte – Technology Consultant), and our co-organizer Liam Ryan (Health2Dublin/GetHealth) for a panel discussion.  The evening concluded with a Company Showcase by Robert Cairnduff of and Paul McCarthy of

About Health 2.0 Dublin

Here is what David Doherty had to say on his blog about Health 2.0 Dublin

Health 2.0 Dublin only launched in November 2012 but is generating a lot of buzz and has already become a focal point for those in Ireland who are using web tools to personalize health care, collaborate, and promote health education.

Join Health 2.o Dublin

Keep up to date with our blog Health 2.0 Dublin Blog and join us on Facebook and Twitter @health2dublin – where we will keep you posted on our latest events, opportunities and meetings.

Posted in Conference, Doctors 2.0, E-Patient

Doctors 2.0 &You: Crowdfunding ePatient Travel Scholarships

Crowdfunding the participation of e-Patients at an international health 2.0 conference is an exciting initiative by Basil Strategies, the organizers of the International Doctors 2.0 & You Conference .

The conference which will take place in Paris, June 6-7, 2013, is the only European event dedicated to bringing physicians and patients together to engage with web 2.0 tools and social media. Patients play a central role at the conference as advisors in the parallel sessions and as members of judging panels judging posters and exciting start-ups.

We’re bringing all the healthcare stakeholders together to make things MOVE. That’s what Doctors 2.0 & You is all about.

It is the experience, passion and commitment of engaged patients that drive innovation in the changing paradigm of healthcare. You can be part of this by contributing to the fund.  In this season of Christmas, what a great gift to give someone – the chance to play an empowered role in their own health in 2013.

Donations start as small as $10 and increase in size to reflect your contribution to funding a patient to attend the conference. You will also gain visibility for your brand through your involvement.

You can read full details here.

Posted in #HCSM

Social media in health and medicine

Social media in health and medicine: A workshop for students – Dr. Kim VollDean Giustini, UBC biomed librarian IHHS 302 May 2012
….although troubling to many in public health …web 2.0 is here to stay…and it will almost certainly influence health behaviours in the future.Health is a logical area where people will seek opinions from others and communicate their experience … In the new era of social media, all public health officials will have to learn how to more effectively listen to these messages and, simultaneously, develop more lively and engaging messages to communicate with the public.” Kumanan Wilson, MD MSC & Jennifer Keelan, PhD Coping with Public Health 2.0, CMAJ