Posted in #HCSM, Doctors 2.0, Video

Social Media Lessons And Tools For Doctors

Social media is transforming how doctors and patients interact. How should doctors use social media? What tools can they use to do the job?

In this short video segment, Albert Einstein College of Medicine‘s Social Media Manager,  David Flores speaks with Kent Bottles, M.D., a noted speaker on the subject of social media and medicine and senior fellow at the Jefferson School of Population Health at Thomas Jefferson University.

Dr Bottles says that what he finds most useful about social media is the ability to tap the knowledge of others to help him research, think and write.  He believes no matter how bright you are, you’re always better informed by reaching out for help. While he cautioned against falling for social media “hype,” he explained that doctors should become familiar with social media because of these resources’ ability to engage, inform and galvanize.