Posted in Cool Tool

Monday Morning Cool Tool: Text Optimizer

This week’s cool tool recommendation is Text Optimizer – a tool to help you optimize your content to rank better on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)

Text Optimizer extracts terms and concepts from search engine results pages (SERPs) and analyzes their semantics to generate a list of questions for inclusion in your articles.

Choose the search engine you wish to optimize for, input the desired search terms, select a target location, and either paste your text or provide a link to your existing content.

And here are just some of my results – the tool returns many more suggestions.

You can use the tool to compare your existing text to the snippets Google returns for that query if you already have a page you want to rank. After scoring your text, it will suggest adding some of those suggested terms to your content.

Why this tool is a valuable addition to your online content strategy

Google generates its search snippets based on which sentences from ranked pages best answer the query. In other words, the search snippets are Google’s best (in its opinion) summary of the topic of the query. The semantic analysis of these snippets and the extraction of related terms and topics will give you a better understanding of what you need to include in your content.

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